Providing proven, innovative strategies to help your brand dominate your industry’s search rankings

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We are proud to serve hundreds of brands

SEO Company in Canada

Our Leading-Edge SEO Products

Combining world-class people, process and technology to offer solutions that deliver results.

SEO Strategy

We perform a full technical SEO audit and competitor analysis, compiling a list of SEO must-haves and a detailed roadmap to on-page, off-page and social success.

SEO Audit

We look at your company’s competitive landscape and technical condition, to give you an innovative strategy that can better promote your business.

SEO Detox & Penalty Removal

An intensive backlink analysis is performed to ensure your website can move to the next level and beat out the competition.

Content Marketing

Become an authority in your industry. Content marketing will transform your web presence, increase conversions and foster brand loyalty.

e-Commerce SEO

Turn visitors into customers and make your business a successful selling tool.

Social SEO

Reach a new audience and gain valuable followers to boost your brand’s reach.

Toronto Local SEO

We focus on your local ranking in Google to improve visibility across the map.

Keyword & Topic Research

Proper research is a fundamental part of digital marketing and we can help you target the right people at the right time.

Influencer Endorsed backlinks

Working with influencers in your industry we create powerful content that gets you seen.

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SeoLogist by the Numbers

Years of Combined SEO Experience
Client Retention Rate
Successful SEO Campaigns
Keywords in Top 3
Qualified SEO Visitors
Qualified SEO Leads & Sales
Content Pieces Created
Brownie Points for Client Happiness!

Our Winning Formula

  • 1People
  • 3Process
  • 2Technology


Today’s search engine optimization professionals are all about continuous education and evolving with the ever-changing SEO landscape. Sharing best practices, the latest analytical tools, R & D reports, industry news and market insights, our professionals know the industry inside and out. Our team is made up of a combination of SEO and content marketing specialists, each chosen specifically based on years of experience honing their craft. At SEOlogist, we are a Toronto SEO company that works directly with brands from around the world, offering them sophisticated and innovative SEO services and a team capable of carrying out any project. SEOlogist has served over 100 different industries in B2B and B2C SEO markets, which means we’re able to help any brand in any industry with our winning SEO formula.

We believe in building a culture where our more experienced staff members can share their knowledge and mentor the new recruits coming up the ranks. That’s why, since the early 2000’s we have grown steadily and have one of the lowest employee churn rates in the industry. Our tight-knit team benefits from the exemplary communication that results from our open and nurturing culture. Our SEO company focuses on education and growth, changing dynamics and testing, which helps them navigate the constantly changing SEO landscape. While the industry is in flux our SEO specialists remain agile by taking a “implement, test, learn, implement” approach.


Developed over 15 years of performing SEO, SEOlogist’s meticulous process has been instrumental in the success of many brands’ digital marketing strategies. Thanks to aggressive research and a focus on robust organic growth, we’ve been able to maintain Google compliance without incurring past, current or potentially future Google penalties. Our SEO process leaves no stone unturned, including the use of content marketing tools and best practices, to ensure you increase search rankings, create a better user experience and get more conversions - without the use of automated, cookie-cutter solutions. We only execute when all of our most stringent quality requirements are met. We’ve spent 15 years building our reputation by catapulting our clients’ search results to the very top of the most competitive keyword searches in a variety of industries.

Because we are a full service agency and SEO company, the SEO services that we provide are perfectly integrated with other departments like e-Commerce, content marketing, social media and sponsored advertising. Google’s algorithm is complex and takes over 200 factors into consideration when ranking a site. That’s why it’s important to have integrated processes to guide execution of SEO campaigns across many channels that extend beyond Google to achieve the best results. Since Google looks at your overall digital footprint as a brand, our team does too! Every step of our SEO processes exist to support each ranking factor that we can identify, and in a prioritized sequence.


We are proud to utilize technology we’ve developed in-house. Our platform is self-evolving and fully Google compliant. We are able to boost results among the most popular industry keyphrases thanks to the amalgamation of our innovative platform and the experienced SEO professionals that implement its capabilities. Our technology is fully integrated with aggressive content marketing strategies to create organic success that will endure Google algorithm changes in the future.

We also work with a wide variety of tools and software platforms to help us better understand your current ranking situation, site-health score, citation flow and trust flow ratios, competitors and more. With SEO services, we are in the business of producing content that will satisfy your audience, but also satisfy technical parameters. It only makes sense that doing so requires in depth knowledge of data mining tools, scrapers and deep analytics.

Our full technology suite allows us to track everything that happens on your site from where your visitors are coming from, to the path they commonly take before they buy and how your site is being connected to other contextual sites on the World Wide Web. Using this technology we can help you keep your site safe from hacks, Google penalties and poor user experiences. As a Toronto SEO company dedicated to providing holistic solutions, we’ll help you optimize your entire user experience from the first touch point, to the point of sale while providing you with complete transparency at the same time. All of this data and technology helps us to conceive of, and implement cutting-edge, effective SEO strategies that catapult our clients from the 100th page on Google to the top of the SERP’s!

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Client Testimonials

From the moment we began working with Seologist, we knew our SEO goals were going to be exceeded by this group of experienced SEO professionals. What began as a Link Building initiative has now extended itself to include content marketing that has immensely affected our online authority. Their innovative thinking and direct, customer-driven approach has helped us form a long-term partnership that we know has been beneficial to both parties.

Andrew Lee
SEO Content & Social Media Relationship Manager

I was very happy with their top-notch SEO services. They were very effective and professional. Strongly recommend them!

Imran Ahmad
Partner at Miller Thomson LLP

I have been working with the team at SEOlogist for several years and I really feel that they are true professionals in their field. They are excellent in their technique of search engine optimization. They are always available and friendly to deal with. I recommend this company to anyone who wants to help their business visibility online.

Dr. Kristina Zakhary MD, MSc, FRCSc
Plastic Surgeon at Dr. Kristina Zakhary’s Clinic

Our SEO Process

Our five-step SEO process to effective search engine optimization includes the following:

  • 1Audit
  • 2Strategy
  • 3Content
  • 4Optimization
  • 5Refinement


Before a customized SEO strategy can be devised, your company’s current situation must be reviewed. Your audit will include a needs assessment based on:

  • Competitive Analysis
  • Domain Authority
  • Popular Industry Keyword search ranking

By learning more about your business, we can gain a better understanding of your current and future needs. When conducting our audits we must look at all of your existing digital assets and analyze how they are being utilized. We do this to identify any low hanging fruit to help enhance your SEO substantially with minimal cost to you. Many times businesses have a lot of great content assets and SEO assets that can be fine-tuned to help our SEO services take their organic optimization to the next level.

As mentioned above, our SEO specialists also take a deep dive into our client’s competitors to understand the level of difficulty and investment required to achieve business goals. We’re able to analyze the websites of any relevant competitor, big or small and report back on the SEO “must haves” and the additional opportunities we see based on our knowledge of your target audiences. From there we are able to begin to design the best SEO services for your business in the strategy phase using all of the insights and data we collected.


Once we’ve established your needs, we can then begin to implement SEOlogist’s proven SEO formula for your success. Our meticulous SEO audit and exhaustive research will help us outline a strategy that will, once completed, be your company’s own unique roadmap to SEO success. Competitive analysis helps us close gaps that may exist between you and your competition within highly competitive keyphrases in your industry. Conversely, we’ll also work with you to establish dominance in relevant, low competition keywords. With our world-class proprietary technology and experienced professionals creating and executing this strategy, your company’s SEO goals are carried out by the very best in the business.

Our SEO company’s proprietary 4-in-1 audit and strategy combines the most important components required for dominating on search and will give you the detailed blueprint you need to make your SEO a success. We’ve been doing SEO in Toronto for over 15 years and know what it takes to outrank competitors both locally and globally for our clients. The strategies we produce provide you with detailed keyword and topic reports, as well as guidelines for how to set up your website architecture to make sure your pages will be indexed in the right way to get picked up by search engines. Our strategy will identify all areas of strength and weakness while showing you how to revise everything to start generating traffic and leads for your business.


The most popular websites on the internet attract visitors with relevant and engaging content. The easiest way to achieve this is to diligently update your website with quality articles, infographics and even videos that your audience will rush to share with their network. With our experienced in-house Content Marketing team, we’ll create relevant and compelling content that is sharable, SEO-friendly and positions your brand as an authority in your industry. Your content will be distributed in a way that’s 100% Google compliant and empowers your audience to make informed decisions as consumers when it reaches them.

One powerful component of SEO is the content networking that we do for you. While it’s critically important that the content on your own website is 100% optimized for search engines and for visitors to engage with, it is also important to create high-quality content that other sites want to publish or link to as well. Getting coverage on popular websites and blogs helps your SEO rankings. By giving publishers amazing content, they will be much more inclined to post it and link to your site. Digital PR has become a major source of SEO, traffic and leads over the last 5 years. We always optimize content both on-site and off-site to make sure your business and your brand is properly represented to new (relevant) audiences, while we build your rankings at the same time.


Depending on your needs, optimization could include any/all of the following:

  • Landing Page Creation
  • Calls to Action
  • Architectural Support

In this part of the process, our focus will be on creating the foundation your site will stand on to begin converting leads. The strategy implemented has, to this point, been geared towards boosting your search rankings - it’s here that your strategy initiates converting that additional traffic and moves people further along the customer journey.

When it comes to content optimization it’s important to consider sales messaging and what visitors will need to see when they arrive on your site to take the actions you want them to. It is vitally important that a visitor coming from search sees what they expected to on your pages. If they don’t find high quality content that they are interested in, they won’t stay long, and as a result, won’t be persuaded to buy from you.

Persuasive messaging is a key ingredient to make your SEO services work for you. The more specific you can be with your keyword optimization, sales offers, calls to action and over-all text, the better your site will perform. The beauty of it is that, when your site is performing, Google simultaneously knows to increase your quality score (since your users are taking actions on your site) and as a result, sends even more traffic to you.

At our Toronto SEO company, our process of optimization starts with targeting your messaging towards your ideal segments and revising it over time using a variety of test messages. We work with different headlines, images and phrasing until we get it just right on every single page. When your SEO and sales messaging is working in unison, you have truly built something unstoppable that will make a tremendous impact on your revenue and even valuation as a business.


Our diligent monitoring of campaigns allows us to make adjustments where further gaps present themselves. Through our utilization of the latest analytics tools, we are able to interpret data to improve the quality of lead generation and, most importantly, conversion rates. Our meticulous process involves constantly developing new insights based on the traffic of you and your competitors. Solutions change along with your evolving needs.

At our SEO company we understand that it usually takes more than one customer touch point to make a sale. What do we mean by that? The average visitor needs to engage with a brand’s content 7 times before they “convert” and become a lead. That means we need to track and optimize elaborate funnels and paths to conversion and refine them.

Our refinement process can include everything from content optimization to full funnel optimization where we look at revising navigation, forms, offers and strategic follow up. With our analytics tools and tracking software we are able to identify all traffic sources, which of your visitors came and bounced, which ones came from Google, left, came back from Facebook, left, found you again on Google days later and finally made a purchase.

These complex data sets leave a lot for us to interpret and our SEO company is proud to work with some of the best data analysts in the SEO industry to pull out game-changing insights and transform campaigns. Not every business needs such an elaborate system for optimization, while for others, it is completely necessary and can prevent them from losing millions in missed opportunities.

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