The Sites

Studio Quipo has set a goal of creating a collection of high-quality websites that are fun and informative.

Each year, Studio Quipo receives several million visitors who discover, learn and share their knowledge on topics as varied as the French language, animal life, geography, science, culture, and history.

This diversity of topics allows us to explore the world around us tirelessly and to share our findings with all our visitors.

Quiz Qui dit vrai ?

The Qui dit vrai? website offers hundreds of general knowledge quizzes. Players must find out which one of two characters is telling the truth.

The quizzes are challenging. Beware! The statements often hide traps.

Qui dit vrai ? hopes to establish a long-term relationship with its visitors. That is why we add new quizzes each week and constantly improve existing ones.

Explore the quizzes

Traduction du français au français

We speak the same language, but we do not use the same words. The site Traduction du français au français (Translation from French to French) is a fun linguistic guide on Quebec French language. More than 350 articles and a dictionary of more than 1,200 entries allow francophones to understand the nuances of the French language spoken in Quebec.

Explore Quebec language

Achille Tartempion, humoriste

Achille Tartempion, whose real name is Achille de la Tartempion III, is a comedian and copywriter. His family lost their nobiliary particle after immigrating to Canada.

His website presents his jokes in the form of comic strips. Also, Achille writes about his thoughts, observations, and hilarious anecdotes in the notebook that he shares with his audience.

Explore the jokes

Concepteur original

Studio Quipo is the creator of Quipo Quiz and Forum Condo. These two sites were sold to third parties and continue to grow under other auspices. We wish their new owners the best of luck.

The Team

Portrait de Patrice Hudon

Patrice Hudon

Writing, illustration, and SEO

Touche-à-tout et curieux, Patrice recherche sans relâche des idées pertinentes pour ses sites de contenu et observe avec attention la langue québécoise pour y découvrir ce qui la distingue de la langue française normative. Chaque semaine, il rédige des quiz relevés, écrit des articles originaux et crée des bandes dessinées amusantes.

Portrait de Marie Pascale Brunelle

Marie Pascale Brunelle

Editing, web design, and web programming

Marie Pascale has a creative spirit, a talent for communication and the rigor of a programmer. She skillfully makes a connection between the worlds of visual creation, written communication, and web programming. She works in close collaboration with Patrice to create and constantly improve the ergonomics and attractiveness of the sites.

Quipo traditionnel des Incas

You said Quipo?

To the Incas, the “quipo” was a bundle of braided cotton strings. Its colors, combinations, and knots were used to transmit information.

We liked the analogy to the web. Indeed, the Internet is a communication network whose wires are attached to each other by a series of contact points: knots.

From cotton knots to digital knots, Studio Quipo leverages its expertise in communications to discover, learn, and share all the knowledge that new technologies now make available to us.


Feel free to write us
with any comments or inquiries.

4950 L’Assomption Blvd., suite 401
Montreal (Quebec) H1T 0A3