Forthcoming Titles


In Lividity, poet Kim Rosenfield works within the outskirts of language, draining it of connotation and excess. Using words and phrases culled from linguistics textbooks and language-learning manuals, Rosenfield invites the reader to experience the ...

Cries from the Merry-Go-Round: A Fugue of Shouts from an Anti-Ableist Activist


Cries from the Merry-Go-Round: A Fugue of Shouts from an Anti-Ableist Activist is a work of creative activism that suggests a redefinition of what a shout can be. In this case, the Shouts are literary ...


The mask is the classic disguise. But as alter ego, it reveals as much as it conceals. Why are masks so often creepy, even outside of horror movies? Can a mask change expression while you’re ...

The View from Howard’s Fuck Pad: The Deep State, Bad White Men, and the Weird Noir of James Ellroy, Vol. 2: The Absurdity of Whiteness


Just like he collected airplanes, Hughes obsessively collected women, stashing them in the more than one hundred apartments, hotel rooms, and houses he owned around Hollywood. ~ Samantha Barbas, Confidential Confidential: The Inside Story of Hollywood’s ...

punctum books is an independent open-access publisher dedicated to radically creative modes of intellectual inquiry and writing across a whimsical para-humanities assemblage. We curate books that are genre-bending and paradigm-shifting and also experiment with the styles and forms of intellectual writing. Our authors understand that where they publish is just as important as the content of their work, and that sharing their work with the global commons is vital and necessary.