
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables

Arts and crafts

My tape measure

My tape measure Educatall - Educational games and activities - ban 1

My super simple salsa

My super simple salsa Educatall - Educational games and activities - ban 2

Dads and reading

Dads and reading Educatall - Educational games and activities - ban 3
Educatall Club
Educatall Club Educatall Club Educatall Club
Theme of the week
Father’s Day

Father’s Day
Daddy-inspired workshops, crafts, games, celebrations, role play suggestions, and more!

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Educatall Club
Club Educatout

Everything you need to prep for Father’s Day: coloring pages, activity sheets, fine and gross motor skill challenges, gifts, decorations, and more!

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Step by step instructions for manually creating crafts and decorations.

Educational activities for children aged 0 to 36 months.

Learn how to make your own material with educational recipes that can be used for fun and play with children.

Introduce children to the scientific method by helping them appreciate science through play.

Miscellaneous educational activities and games for early childhood education.

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