Open Wednesday through Saturday, 10:00am-4:00pm.

Board Meetings first Thursday of the month at 6:30pm.

Educating the Public on the historical importance of bottlemaking

The National Bottle Museum

The National Bottle Museum® was created to preserve, research, and exhibit bottles and objects related to bottle making. Visitors can view displays of bottles and glassmaking tools, learn about the local bottle history, and the history of bottle production. Bottle collectors and students also have access to an extensive research library. The Museum also houses the JRM Artists' Space, an art gallery for artists of varied mediums to showcase and promote their art. The National Bottle Museum offers educational presentations, on and off site, to historical societies, social groups, schools, colleges, service organizations, and others.

Trustees & Directors

Ellie Dillon

Eve Lansing

Kayla Whitehouse
Executive Director

Phil Bernnard
Vice President

Adam Stoddard

Fred Neudoerffer
 Volunteer Director of the Jan Rutland Memorial Artists' Space

Shirleyan Ebert

Deborah Cangi

Painted Building Edited

The National Bottle Museum

76 Milton Avenue
Ballston Spa, NY 12020

Museum Hours:

Open Year Round
Weds- Sat: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sun -Tues: Closed

The museum is open late on most First Fridays.