Antigonish Highland Society

Join us for the 159th Highland Games!

July 7-14

 Recent news

The Highland Hike is back!

The AHS is hosting the annual Highland Hike this Saturday at Keppoch Mountain! Join us at 1pm at the Keppoch lodge, where we will depart for the hike at 1:30 and ascend the mountain. Once we reach the summit, there will be a brief discussion of the history and culture...

tribute to the battle of culloden

This is always such a humbling event, when you consider the trials and tribulations that beset the people and situations for whom this memorial is dedicated. If you have time on April 20th we strongly encourage you to join us! Special thanks to Billy and Peggy...

Antigonish Highland Society Membership


Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame

Antigonish Highland Games

Cultural Events

Community Programs

Community Programs

Youth Programs

Youth Programs

The Antigonish Highland Society was founded in 1861, about 75 years after the Gaels first began arriving on nearby shores.  At its first meeting, the new Society elected Dr. Alexander MacDonald as its president and approved the Society’s objectives of perpetuating the language, music and traditions of the Highland Scot and assisting their fellow Gaels in times of need. The Society celebrated St. Andrew’s Day that year and two years later held its first Highland Games on Apple Tree Island in the east end of town. Since then, the Society has sponsored more than 150 Highland Games while supporting the Gaelic language, piping and drumming, Highland dancing, fiddle music and step-dancing, athletics and the Ancient Scottish Heavy Events. It has kept alive or created numerous traditions and events that help to define the character of Antigonish town and county.


Antigonish Highland Games
Antigonish Highland Games: Bike Race

Bike Race

Antigonish Highland Games: Scottish Heavy Events

Scottish Heavy Events

Antigonish Highland Games: Farmer's Walk

Farmer’s Walk

Antigonish Highland Games: Highland Dance

Highland Dance

July 7-14th,

Antigonish Highland Games: Elite Mile

Elite Mile

Antigonish Highland Games: 5 Mile Road Race

5 Mile Road Race

Piping, Drumming and Pipe Bands

Piping & Drumming

Antigonish Highland Games: Tug of War


Dive Into Adventure!

The Antigonish Highland Society is proud to bring you a world of events that bring the rich history of the longest running Highland Games in North America.

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