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Garagemaid Garage Storage

Garage storage is something every home owner must come to terms with at some point. Our lives are just smack full of stuff. Stuff that has to go somewhere. Even though it's stuff that we hardly ever use or really even need, we just seem to keep hanging on to it year after year. Of course, there are lots of things we do need to access and use on a regular, albeit infrequent, basis. For example, Christmas does come around every year, so those boxes and boxes of decorations have to be accessible and ready to r...


Eco-Friendly Flooring Options

There are several types of eco-friendly flooring that are easily accessible to homeowners throughout the US. Eco-friendly or sustainable flooring is not only good for the environment; it's also good for you and our family. BambooBamboo is a fast growing grass. It is a short kind of grass with a quick and short growing cycle. It quickly reaches maturity and replenishes itself, making it an extremely sustainable flooring option. Bamboo is strong and durable. It is stronger than many hardwood floors. It's avai...


6 Manufacturers of Garage Flooring

Besides there being a variety of types of garage flooring available today, there are also a handful of top garage flooring manufacturers. Lets take a look at who they are, in alphabetical order, and what type of flooring they specialize in making.Better Life Technology. BLT makes two main types of garage flooring. Roll-out floor coverings and peel and stick tiles. The roll-out floors come in a variety of widths, lengths, patterns and colors. They boast making the widest roll-out floor on the market today. T...


How To Secure Your Mailbox From Would Be Thieves

With the holidays upcoming fast and the mail being so busy right before holiday season you will see that many home owners and people get a lot of offers from places to come and get stuff because of sales. All they require you to do is fill out your personal info on the card and return it in the mail.You need to be careful when you are having mail sent to the home in which you are living in. people will watch for your mail to come and then snatch it before you can so they can get all your personal info and s...


Electric Power Cordless Tools - What A Great Invention

Almost all the households and factories use power tools extensively for construction and repair purposes. This is mainly done to increase the efficiency, speed and ease. A vast majority of the power tools available in the market today use electric motors as their source of power and hence are also commonly known as electric power tools.Power tools are basically of two types- stationary and portable. The stationary power tools are mostly heavy and big and are difficult to be moved from one place to another...


A Safe History of Locks

Though the actual history of safes may not be very long, the main component and perhaps one of the most important parts of a safe has been, and that is the lock. It is hard to say when locks were first invented because there is not always a written history, and because of the materials used when locks were made, there are not very many still around today. However, there is evidence that many different civilizations developed locks independently of each other, among them being the Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese ...


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