
Nova Scotia

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From the category archives:

Beyond Halifax (~ hour away)

Hold a baby starfishIt’s certainly worth the trip if you’re at all interested in the history, the tales and treasures of the fishing industry or seeing sea creatures up close the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic. You can see fishing boats up close – even jump aboard! You can visit the Dory Shop and see the craftsmen making a dory – the traditional way.


Looking out onto the Mahone Bay harbour Mahone Bay, a small town nestled at the end of a bay, provides beautiful views of a coastal harbour with brightly coloured houses and shops. These shops can provide hours of entertainment and when you need a break from shopping the eats are plentiful.

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Lighthouse at Peggy's CoveMy favourite day tripper destination in the Halifax area is Peggy’s Cove. No matter what the season or what the weather is doing. The rocks are warn smooth – not by man but the daily pounding of the waves. The smooth rocks and the rough pounding waves create a contrast of opposites.

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