Generic Homepage Is Generic

I decided to create this site as a way to collect and organize the thoughts and resources I've gathered over the years pertaining to gender and identity. It is a convenient way for me to keep all my favourite links and articles and books and videos together and up-to-date. It gives me a chance to practice my HTML and CSS skills. And it gives me somewhere to direct those who have more questions than I can easily answer in a single conversation. And, just as I found it helpful when others shared their experiences, maybe sharing my thoughts and experiences could help someone else.

It is still very early days and, as you can see, this site is very bare bones (and also still very much under construction). I will add more content as it is composed, share links and resources as I think of them, and upgrade the styling and aesthetics as I gain the skills to do so. But for now, you're not likely to see much more than plain text and a few links.