A post by Kevin Kelly reminded me of some advice from University. I was in the Commerce faculty taking an Accounting major, but we had to take courses in the other disciplines. The second year marketing course that was mandatory was taught by a Professor with a remarkable resemblance to Alfred Hitchcock. The only thing I remember from that course is a quote from some ancient educational video we had to sit through, featuring a strange looking man with a preposterously bad toupee.

The quote was, “we must learn to make our mistakes faster.”

At any rate, the Kevin Kelly post is titled “68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice” and is chock full of goodness.

His site “Cool Tools” is also worth checking out occasionally.

AuthorMichael Heskin

I happen to own an  Watch, so this article bubbled up for me in my RSS reader. I learned all sorts of things, such as the various phases of twilight and the meaning of the word “crepuscular”.

Particularly in the days before ubiquitous nocturnal electrical lights, experiencing the fall of night must have been a source of anxiety – you can only light so many candles, and the fading of light from the sky must have always had a faint miasma of death about it. The civilized person in us is sure the Sun will come up again, but in our animal hearts, we are perhaps less certain. Shakespeare captured the irrational mood of the hours of darkness well in that darkest of plays, Hamlet, with the titular character's soliloquy: 

"Tis now the very witching time of night, 
When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this world: now could I drink hot blood,
And do such bitter business as the day
Would quake to look on."

Twilight has its own rich vocabulary, including the word crepuscular; "that which is related to twilight." Animals that are chiefly active during the twilight of dawn or nightfall are called crepuscular animals; my favorite of these, and maybe yours too, is the firefly. 


AuthorMichael Heskin

Sometimes you just need things explained to you, in simple and concise english.

AuthorMichael Heskin

Started out a bit cool and cloudy, as a smaller than normal group left Lucky's Doughnuts at Main and 13th. The sun started to come out when we got out to the jetty.

AuthorMichael Heskin