"The House of Friendship"

  • Rev. Ned Wells this Sunday at 10:00am


    Every Thursday at 10:30 am

    On Zoom


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  • Join us for live Worship or streamed on Zoom

    10:00am every Sunday

  • Christ is Risen!

  • Pizza & Movie Night

    Friday, May 10th 6:00pm

    All are welcome!  "Poseidon" is the movie.


Sunday, April 28th

Service at 10:00am

Join us for Sunday Worship.  Rev. Ned Wells will be leading worship.  The service begins at 10:00am.

Sunday, April 21st was our Affirming congregation celebration worship service and lunch.  We are so happy to publicly acknowledge that we all belong to God. 

The worship experience at Mark Street United Church is inspirational and informative.  Our Organist and Choir members lead us in music along which sets the stage emotionally and spiritually for a richer experience.  Our Minister guides us through a multi-media, thought provoking, scripture based service which helps us understand scripture and makes us understand its' relevance in today's world, as well as our role as Christians in our complex world. Children are engaged in our Children's area, story time with the minister, and then Sunday school with friends for more stories, crafts, games and fun!

Our Mission Statement/Motto:

Mark Street United Church,

the House of Friendship,

is a faith community


to worship inclusively as we serve God together.

Community Connections

Here's another grand opportunity to reach out to those who are less fortunate in our community. The Outreach Committee has purchased 34 pairs of men's and women's socks for One City Peterborough now housed in the former Trinity United Church on Reid St. They are excited to receive even 34 pairs of socks but we think we can do better. Let's sock it to 'em and collect 100 pairs of socks to donate. We'll put our soles into this collection. There is a large box just outside of the narthex on the right side facing the Sanctuary behind the door in which to put your donation. Don't be a heel. Give a pair of socks or two. Sorry, not sorry, for the sock puns!  If we put our best foot forward, we'll overcome the agony of de feet. 

The Outreach Committee

The Peterborough Lions Club, after years of doing so, continues to ask for donations of your old but not excessively scratched prescription eyeglasses. Now, they also have a gently used shoe collection. These donations can now be made at Mark Street United Church. There will be a box for eyeglasses and a separate large box for shoes on the landing between the two sets of stairs and under the coat rack when going up the staircase on the right in Friendship Hall. Drop your donations into the boxes so that they may be sent to many international locations who have the need.

Thank you for your anticipated involvement.

The Outreach Committee

Wednesday, March 27th was a brightly coloured day at Mark Street as 15 women chatted and laughed while they meticulously painting their Easter Eggs just in time for Easter Sunday. There were just a couple of tears (just kidding) when one or two newly painted eggs broke at the end of the process. Brenda Mann's instructions were skillfully delivered. Brenda will return next year to do the workshop again as popular demand would have it. The real bonus is that $170.00 will be sent for Ukraine Relief as part of our international outreach. Abo,ve you will find a few pics of the beautifully finished products. 

Outreach Committee 

They say it takes a village to raise a child. We say it takes a dedicated legion of donors, mixers, flippers, cleaners, cookers, bakers, phoners, ticket sellers, advertisers, dishwashers, and movers to host a Pancake Supper. The light-hearted crew worked like a well-oiled machine and it paid off in spades. Almost every single participant who came to the feast provided us with accolades of appreciation for the most delicious meal and the opportunity for fellowship. We believe we served up 140+ meals. The money will be used for Outreach projects beyond the walls of the building. Thank you to all who helped to make this year's Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper such a success.

To find out more about how you can join in our fundraising efforts, click the donate button.

We Are on Facebook and Instagram!

Please Like and Follow us on Social Media to Keep Connected.

Rev. Eric Hebert-Daly will be leading worship on Sunday, April 121st at 10:00AM.

This service will be in-person and through ZOOM.

Join us each week for In-Person Worship or through ZOOM. Feel connected, and participate in the fellowship with our Christian family. You will find your invitation to join us in your email or contact the church office during regular office hours at 705-742-2682 to be included. 

To see more, please go to our "Weekly Announcements" located under 

"What's Happening" and click the button for weekly announcements.  The "Calendar of Events" page also gives information about what is happening in the church.

 November, 2023
 In light of our commitment to Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship and Daring Justice, we as the East Central Ontario Regional Council offer this statement in response to the recent protests across Canada, including our own province of Ontario.
 This communications campaign is in partnership with the Nakonha:ka Regional Council of the United Church of Canada.
 This past fall there has been a rise in fear-mongering and spreading misinformation around Ontario laws as they relate to school boards in particular, claiming to be defending the rights of parents. The health and safety of our children is of great concern to us. Ensuring that our 2SLGBTQIA youth are not faced with violence, hatred and isolation is a top priority for us. We decry destructive and unhealthy messages being circulated by certain public figures in Ontario, Quebec and other parts of Canada, that spread falsehoods about trans people being a danger to children and youth.
 This generates fear, anxiety and hatred instead of a society that sees all humanity as God’s beautiful and very good creation.
 “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31 (NRSVUE)
 We ask those members of churches in particular who are expressing antagonism towards trans people, to remember that in Christ there is no male nor female, no Jew nor Greek (Galatians 3:28). It is time to build a world inspired by God’s dream, that all may be one (John 17:21). A world where we are called to love one another as Jesus loved us (John 13:34), reminded of how Jesus himself tore down walls of exclusion and expressed an abundant love that exceeds all limited human understanding.
 We invite our neighbours in Ontario, Quebec and the rest of Canada to join us in building a world of radical love and inclusion.
 “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.” Galatians 5:22-23 (NRSVUE)
 May we all learn to love, be joyful and peaceful in the name of the One who claims us, commissions us and loves us.
Rev. Wanda Stride, Speaker, ECORC Assembly of Elders
Joyce Payne and Kimberly Collins Affirm forum Co-chairs, ECORC
NOTE: All communities of faith and pastoral charges within East Central Ontario Regional Council are invited to share this statement with their congregations, on social media and with local media. This communications campaign is in partnership with the Nakonha:ka Regional Council of the United Church of Canada
Mission Statement
Mark Street United Church, the House of Friendship, is a faith community 
called to worship inclusively as we serve God together.

Vision Statement
“Mark Street United is a sanctuary (safe place) for people of all
 ages, gender identities, racial/cultural backgrounds,  sexual orientations, 
abilities, economic status, and family configurations, 
reflecting justice for all as we worship with intentional harmony, and include full participation of everyone in the life and work of our ministry.”

Juxtaposed Spring Snow and Flowers

Photo Credit:  Joanne Boonstra

Are you interested in photography?  Photos of local nature scenery or wildlife are displayed on the website and with our announcements.  If you have an interesting photo, send it attached to an email to the church office at [email protected] for potential selection.

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