Sandy Wilson, BScPT

Sandy Wilson is a registered member of the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia.

Sandy owns and operates Arbutus Physiotherapy & Health Centre, Arbutus Physiotherapy Westshore, is a mother of two, an avid runner, and triathlete.

You can contact Sandy at Arbutus Physiotherapy.

Sandy Wilson helps an athlete at the clinic.
Sandy Wilson, Physiotherapist.

Mike Neill tells about his Ironman experiences (and why all triathletes should have a physio)

Mar 5, 20241 min read

It was a strange journey! I played hockey for Queen’s up until I was 20 but had recurring knee injuries. I’d always seen Ironman on TV and it…

Inspire Sports sponsorship

Feb 29, 20241 min read

We are super excited to announce our sponsorship with Inspire Sports Victoria. Inspire Sports runs a 20,000+ square foot sports centre and gymnastics gym nearby to Uptown. They…

Josh Grawbarger talks about client empowerment and triathlons

Feb 21, 20241 min read

I initially went to the University of Waterloo for my undergraduate degree in 2014 and it was tough to move away from Sault Ste. Marie, where I grew…

Longevity, graduate studies in Ireland, and cooking with Joseph Rector

Jan 16, 20241 min read

It’s been a nice, gradual start! We have a great crew of physios and admin staff at Westshore; it’s tight-knit. I’ve found it helpful to bounce ideas off…