Wireless remote control system for Marine Railways, Boat Lifts and Float Plane Railways.


Add reliable, wireless convenience to the operation of your marine railway, float plane railway, boatlift or hoist, with the ShoreDaddy remote control from South Bay Remotes

What is ShoreDaddy?

ShoreDaddy is a professional wireless remote control system for Marine Railways, Boat Lifts and Float Plane Railways.

What does it do?

The ShoreDaddy allows you to start and stop the electric winch on your marine railway system using a secure remote Keyfob transmitter or hand held Palm transmitter. Gone are the days of having to run back to shore to operate a manual switch, or convincing on-shore helpers to operate the winch controls.

With ShoreDaddy, launching and storing your boat, personal watercraft or floatplane, can now be a simple and convenient one-person operation.

Exclusive Dealer

Naylor Systems Ltd.
Cameron ON.
K0M 1G0
Toll Free: 1 800 663-4281
Tel:  705 359-1386