Working together to restore & conserve the ecological integrity of the watersheds within Antigonish County

We also provide support for the ongoing education of anglers as well as encouraging young people to become involved in the sport.

Working together to restore & conserve the ecological integrity of the aquatic & riparian habitats within the watersheds of Antigonish

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We provide support for the ongoing education of anglers as well as encouraging young folks to become involved in the sport.

Our Event Calendar

Review our upcoming events to learn what’s happening next.

Volunteer Today!

Many hands make light work and we could use your help in a variety of ways.


Illegal fishing on our rivers has a devastating effect on local eco-systems and goes against all the conversation, restoration and protection we work so hard to create.


Some of our most current information can be found on our Facebook and Instagram pages. This is a great place to find photos, events and insights that might not otherwise have a home on our website.

We Accept Donations.

The ARA is a non-profit organization but does not have charitable status. Anyone interested in donating money to the organization that wishes to receive a tax receipt can make a donation on the NSSA web site. Please indicate that you would like the money to be used for work by the ARA.