Do you feel a call to work in French speaking Canada?

FIT4M stands for 

French Intensive Training For Ministry

The ability to communicate in French is the most important prerequisite for effective service in a Francophone "milieu" (environment).

The program is an essential part of our overall effort to bring the message of Christ and establish PAOC communities of faith in Francophone areas.

Bienvenue! A message from Gary Connors

(former Quebec & Francophone Canada Coordinator)

About FIT4M

FIT4M is a one year bursary-funded program. These bursaries provide assistance to help with tuition and basic living expenses.

Participants are introduced to french ministry by being incorporated into a local church setting as an active member of the staff team.

The major qualifications for a FIT4M bursary are: (1) a Bible College Graduate with an average record of academic achievement; and/or a valid PAOC credential with previous ministry experience and; (2) a willingness to commit to at least two years of full-time Francophone ministry after graduating from the FIT4M program.

FIT4M is a joint initiative of Mission Canada, through its Québec and Francophone Canada priority, together with PAOC Districts. For more information or to apply for the FIT4M program please contact us.

Practical Matters

French language studies are provided through various linguistic learning centres. Some of the institutions we have worked with in the past include:

  • Université de Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
  • Centre Saint-Louis (Montréal)
  • Centre Saint Paul (Montreal)
  • Centre d’éducation des Adultes des Draveurs (Gatineau)

This one year bursary-funded program provides assistance to help with tuition and basic living expenses.

The participants are paired with a host church during an eight-month period where they intern as an active staff member. The host church provides the participants with accomodations (billeting).