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Welcome to France Vacation Rental

vissec cityYou have arrived in the beattutiful French countryside of Languedoc - amidst the undiscovered tranquility and freedom of rural "South of France". Better still, you have found a 300 year - old house, nestled in the corner of a medieval stone village. The terraced, shady garden opens directly onto a spectacular stone floored valley. For the modest rent of $600 Canadian or 430 euros per week, you can stay here, in comfort, for as long as you wish!

We bought the house 18 years ago and have loved it ever since, gradually restoring and tending it. Now it has become a haven for time well spent - enjoying meals in the garden, prepared with local olive oil and goat's cheese that you can walk up the valley to buy, and an abundance of perfect local wines. Snoozing with the butterflies or reading on the chaise, in the soothing warmth of the foothills of the Cevennes, or exploring the markets, Roman sites, restaurants and museums if you are feeling curious, or swimming in the waterfalls, cycling or hiking through the quiet hills if you want to be energetic; however you have spent your day, it is always a delight to return to the restorative, restful atmosphere of the old house...

Come to Vissec, and breathe in a new perception of time.