Feed the Bees is a campaign to encourage individuals, businesses, organizations and governments to support healthy and sustainable native and managed bee populations, and plant gardens to feed all other pollinators and encourage biodiversity in communities everywhere. Learn more about us here.

Bumblebee Busy Buzzing

While we are busy making a difference here in Delta, British Columbia, Canada, we encourage you and yours, wherever you live, to make a difference in your community and Feed The Bees too.

Media & Resources

A Plea for Bees’ Needs: Dr. Elizabeth Elle

Click to Access More Resources


We wish to acknowledge and thank the following organizations for their past sponsorship of the Feed The Bees Campaign.

Environment Canada
Vancouver Foundation
Port of Vancouver
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia
Delta Cable
Metro Vancouver
Toyota Captin
The Rotary Club of Tsawwassen

Delta Agricultural Society

Do you have questions or ideas to share?

Contact Us

Bookmark our website and visit us often … there will be lots of buzz!!