Phone: 416-458-5086

Planning for a funeral is never easy. Most people feel overwhelmed and unfamiliar with this topic. Ultimately everyone should have a funeral plan and everyday more and more people are making the decision to pre-arrange their funerals. Taking the time to be informed is a step in the right direction.

Today more than ever there are so many different choices. Burial or cremation? Traditional or memorial services? Caskets, rental caskets, green caskets, urns and vaults. How much does a funeral cost?

Many people are intimidated and are afraid to talk about funerals. Until one day you have no choice and somebody in you family passes away. Be better prepared and don’t be afraid to ask. Contact Anita. Connect to a licensed funeral professional that is dedicated and passionate to your needs.


Not only was Anita able to recommend an amazing Funeral Home, but provided some very helpful information about the process from beginning to end as well as fairly accurate estimates so we had an idea of what to expect financially.

Andrea & Raz Degirmenci


Funeral Pre-Planning

Now more than ever people are planning ahead for their funerals. Not only will funeral pre-planning take the burden of decisions away from your family, but it can also save your family money. Contact Anita so she can help you pre-plan for yours.

Arranging Funerals

There are many levels of difficulty you may experience when you are responsible for taking care of funeral arrangements. If you don’t know where to start or just need a few questions answered before you go to the funeral home, Contact Anita

General Information

Ask Anita about funeral pre-planning, funeral homes, cemeteries, cremation, burial, caskets, vaults, urns, and many other topics. Let Anita help you make the best decisions for yourself and your family.