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To enhance public safety and ensure environmental protection and emergency preparedness in our communities through the exchange of best practices and open dialogue between government, industry partners, regional stakeholders, and Rights Holders and further to establish itself as a venue for public education and outreach.
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 through the exchange of best practices and open dialogue between government, industry partners, regional stakeholders, and Rights Holders and further to establish itself as a venue for public education and outreach.


CAER members include:
  • Health and Safety Personnel
  • Environmental Officers and Consultants
  • Emergency Planners and Responders
  • Industrial, Operations, and Maintenance Personnel
  • Response Training Companies
  • Response Contractors, etc.
  • Regular meetings facilitate the sharing of information and best practices in Emergency Response.
  • Ongoing work with municipal officials and emergency services representatives that enable joint planning.
  • A mutual aid network that helps with everything from risk and training assessment to assistance during an emergency.
  • An opportunity to ensure that our individual actions make a positive contribution toward creating a better, safer environment and community for all.
  • A better overall coordinated response to an emergency situation.
  • Recognition from the community for your proactive approach to safety.
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CAER welcomes all new members who wish to get involved. For more information about joining the Hamilton CAER Group, please contact our Communications Coordinator, Ryan Wheeler at:


  • LinkedIn

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