Welcome to London Dental Implants

Dental implants are changing the way people live! With them, people are rediscovering the comfort and confidence to eat, speak, laugh and enjoy life. Dental implants are designed to provide a solution that looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth. The individual who has the dental implant regains the ability to eat virtually anything and can smile with confidence, knowing that teeth appear natural. The implants themselves are tiny titanium posts that are placed into the jawbone where teeth are missing. The bone bonds with the titanium, creating a strong foundation for the artificial tooth. In addition, implants can help preserve facial structure, preventing the bone deterioration that occurs when teeth are missing.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants can be used in a variety of ways. In some instances they offer better solutions than conventional dental restorations. Implants are the only solution if removable or complete dentures are to be avoided.

Here are some advantages of dental implants:

  • Improved appearance and self-esteem - Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth. Because they are designed to fuse with bone, they become permanent. In addition, implants help preserve the supporting facial bone structure. Dental implants can give you back your smile and help you feel better about yourself.
  • Improved speech - Trying to speak clearly without your front teeth is a major challenge. Over time, with poor-fitting dentures, false teeth can slip within the mouth causing you to mumble or slur your words. Dental implants allow you to speak without the worry that teeth might slip.
  • Improved comfort - Because the surrounding bone fuses to the implant surface, denture wearers see immediate and profound improvement in their denture comfort, fit and function.
  • Durability & Strength - Implants are very durable and usually last many years. With good care, many implants last a lifetime.
  • Ease of Eating - Dental implants are designed to function like natural teeth, allowing you to eat your favorite foods with confidence and comfort. Dental implant supported prostheses change the food choice options overnight.
  • Improved oral health - Dental implants don't require reducing other teeth, as a tooth-supported bridge does. Because nearby teeth are not altered to support the implant, more of your own teeth are left intact, improving long-term oral health.
  • Oral Hygiene - Individual implants also allow easier access between teeth, improving oral hygiene.
  • Convenience - Removable dentures are just that; removable. Dental implants eliminate the embarrassing inconvenience of removing dentures, as well as the need for messy adhesives to keep them in place.

How successful are implants?

Success rates of dental implants vary, depending on multiple factors such as where in the jaw the implants are placed, health history and other chewing factors; however, in general, dental implants have a success rate of up to 95-97%. With proper care, many implants can last a lifetime.

Who places dental implants?

Dental implants are placed by specialists called oral surgeons or general dentists with specific training. The fees charged by an oral surgeon are normally a lot higher. At London Dental Implants all implants are placed by Dr. Jonathan Martinez. Prior to coming to Canada Dr. Jonathan completed a specialization in oral surgery and pathology which includes advanced training in implantology. He is licensed as a general dentist in Ontario.

Can I still have dental implants even if I lost teeth due to periodontal disease?

Definitely. Most patients have adequate amounts of bone for dental implants. In some instances, however, more bone is needed before implants can be placed. There are predictable procedures to graft and regenerate the amount of bone needed for dental implants. Once sufficient amounts of new bone have been regenerated, enough dental implants can be placed to support a new dental prostheses. Bone grafting is a procedure that Dr. Jonathan Martinez performs.

Do I have enough bone for dental implants?

A comprehensive oral exam will help Dr. Jonathan Martinez determine if enough bone exists to place the dental implant.

Are there any dangers when having implants placed?

While implants are over 95% successful, the most important risks to be aware of are: infection, implant rejection, persistent numbness and pain. We suggest that you come for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Jonathan to learn more about dental implants, the risks, challenges and the benefits.

Can you have an infection from a dental implant surgery?

Though rare, infections do occur. With regard to the dental literature, the verdict is not in as to whether every implant surgery should be covered with antibiotic therapy. In fact, the weight of evidence is against routine antibiotic coverage. However, the final decision in using antibiotics rests with each operator and their patients.

Can an implant be rejected?

Yes. Implants can be rejected, but not in the way we know "rejection" can occur in organ transplants, like with kidneys and hearts. We know dental implants are bio-compatible. There are no known allergic reactions to commercially-pure, titanium implants, which are the most prevalent kind used today. But failures do occur.

The failures we see in dental implants can be explained more in theory, than in fact. For instance, bacteria can contaminate implants. When this happens, an infection might cause the implant to be lost. Naturally, great efforts are taken to insure sterile conditions during implant procedures, from the way the implants are packaged to the hygienic conditions in the operating room.

Apart from the potential pitfalls, how long does it take for the implants to "work?"

Though it can vary for specific reasons, the general rule of thumb is that implants placed in the mandible (lower jaw) heal in 3-4 months, while the maxilla (upper jaw) takes 6-7 months. Augmenting the bone, performing sinus lifts, needing jaw reconstruction, etc., will lengthen healing periods. Remember, healing times are related to human biology. Healing cannot be made to go any quicker than how we were intended to heal.

If an implant fails, can another be placed in the same spot?

Usually yes. We often don’t understand why an implant fails. If it does, the implant is removed. If conditions are right, the site is prepared for another dental implant. Sometimes this can be done at the time the implant is removed. Other times it is better to try again only after a prescribed healing period. Regardless of when an implant is placed in the site of a failure, it meets with a high degree of success.

Meet the Team:

Dr. Jonathan Martinez
Oral Surgery
Dr. Mayaan Inger
Specialist in Periodontics
Make an Appointment Today!
  (226) 270-1411