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Tricholoma magnivelare
. is dedicated to supplying reliable information concerning fruit production of Matsutake mycelia. Formal investigations have yielded little to aid those whose search interest is commercial, recreational, or science.

Commercial popularity has attracted thousands searching for the "pot of gold" rumored to be associated with harvesting. Hundreds of new "prospectors " join, and hundreds leave the hunt every year. Few understand environmental conditions needed to produce mushrooms. Typical search methods are random. Those who are successful rely on past years experience of fruiting areas. Continuous visits to known areas until fruiting is found. Competition is intense. Patch hunters, as they are called, are unable to keep these areas secret. Areas harvested by 1 or 2 are now searched by unknown numbers.

Goals of this site are to provide everyone interested a source of information concerning fruiting habits of Matsutake in Oregon Cascade Conifer, Southern Oregon, Northern California Hardwood habitat. Fruiting is not random, rather quite predictable.

In the fall of 2000, a Buyer and Picker Message Board was added to provide a forum for discussion of issues and communications with other pickers.

Onsite links will take visitors from locating Matsutake areas anytime, to proper harvest methods and storage. Pages are linked to the next for a complete tour without returning here, or return here from any page.

Start with  BASICS, "Introduction to Matsutake".  if your primary interest is harvesting.

 Just want to see what's new? Check "Update".

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More information will be added as it is acquired and time permits
Write us if you have any questions, suggestions, or just to say hi.


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