The Vow Factors!

The Vow Factors Book Cover. WebsitejpgAre you engaged and planning to be married?

Do you want to make sure you don’t become a divorce statistic?

Have you learned how to be married?

This book is a must read for alter bound couples.  It is designed to be read before you say “I do” and used as a resource throughout your marriage.  You will want to keep this book close at hand, to keep divorce from spoiling your “happily ever after”.

Patricia has developed the comprehensive, innovated proven Vow Factors System approach to premarital and marital counselling, with a view to reducing the chance of divorce for those couples who take part.  This system has been used for many years in her private practice with considerable success.  She is now sharing it with everyone through the writing of this book.



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The Vow Factors

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While all separation and divorce issues are difficult and emotionally charged, mediation is the key to navigating this difficult time with the most positive outcome possible. It is a process that is a non adversarial method of resolving the key components of a separation agreement.

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Programming your Brain

Our brain is a very complex computer system that responds to programming of

thoughts, behaviors, and actions. It doesn’t make judgements or defenses around what

is programmed unless those filters are also programmed as part of the data base. It

simply responds to what has been uploaded to it either consciously or subconsciously.

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Economic Stress

During times of economic stress we all focus just a little bit more on our own finances.

This becomes a time to really look at our disposable income and frequently we realize that there is just too much month left at the end of the money.


This can turn into a real learning curve as we realize that there is a difference between needs and wants and keeping up with the Jonses is getting more and more unrealistic. Money  issues  can  be  a  source  of  anxiety  and  frequently  result  in  relationship breakdowns.


For a lot of people who have relied on credit to fill in the gaps of their budget and become  “maxed  out”  or  who  have  lost  their  job  due  to  cut  backs,  downsizing,  or outsourcing, this can be devastating and finding solutions becomes a necessity.


Fortunately there is a lot that can be done and the first step is to “get real” with your finances and come up with a realistic budget that will work for you.  Other options could be credit counseling or debt consolidation.   If budget issues are bothering you   steps need to be taken to move from being out of control to being in control .  For individual financial  and  budgeting  coaching  please  contact            Patricia  Smith       at

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Mind Matters

As we contemplate the end of any year and the beginning of the next, consider that a

new year is an exciting but blank slate just ready to be written on. What will you chose

to write? Will this be the year that you choose to improve your physical or mental health

or to pursue that new job or other adventure? Remember only you get to choose what

your slate will have on it so choose wisely.

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Family Mediation

Taken from the Attorney General Of Ontario

Mediation is a voluntary way of resolving disputes where a trained mediator helps parties of relatively equal bargaining positions to resolve disputes about family issues.

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