November 5th, 2015

An Interview with David Bromwich


By Nat Schmookler.

“There’s an immediate sense one has, which must be relied on, which we can’t not trust, that says: that’s just wrong.”

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January 17th, 2015

Paris, 2015


By Justin E. H. Smith.

“Down with Putin. Down with the Patriarch. Down with the Pope. Down with the self-styled progressives who have abandoned the liberatory spirit of 1968 in favor of the regulatory spirit of identitarianism.”

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September 24th, 2013

Rebelling Against the Left, From The Left


By Ted Fertik.

“We don’t yet know what happens to freely-elected left-leaning governments when their populations rebel against them not because they want less social justice, but because they want more.”

Why Brazil’s middle-class rebelled.

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September 2nd, 2013

Nothing At All

By Sam Munson.

“I knew I was lost. Or would be in moments, as soon as this peruke reached me, this peruke at rest on the splendid head of my old foe, my single foe, my one declared foe and thus my archfoe, the long-dead German philosopher Immanuel Kant.”

A short story.

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August 16th, 2013

Anthropology as Science

By Justin E. H. Smith.

“Thorough, scientific anthropology can amount to something close to advocacy: it shows the richness of other worlds, and therefore the tragedy of destroying them.”

Justin E. H. Smith defends anthropology as science and advocacy—against both the postmodern turn and the simplistic scientism of Napoleon Chagnon.

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July 14th, 2013

The Institutionalist Left


By Kiel Brennan-Marquez.

“Institutional politics can become a source of delight, no less imaginative than its revolutionary counterpart – but narrower, and more disciplined.”

How the left should respond to injustice.

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June 19th, 2013

The Thirteen Commandments of Neoliberalism

By Philip Mirowski.


Neoliberals are not fundamentalists. But they approach crises with a certain logic–one that is directly relevant to comprehending neoliberalism’s unexpected strength in the current global crisis.

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June 13th, 2013

The Gezi Agenda


By Onur Alper.

“Past struggles were predominantly aimed at taking over Turkey’s oppressive state apparatus. The Gezi Park movement, by contrast, seeks to introduce clear restraints on how the state apparatus should be run.”

A Letter from Istanbul.

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June 7th, 2013

The 50 Percent


By Zeynep Pamuk.

“The Gezi Park movement is fundamentally about demanding the right to demand rights.“

A Letter From Istanbul.

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June 7th, 2013

Turkey’s Class Struggle


By Ian Buruma.

Turkey’s protests are as much about class and power as they are about religion. But the real question is: Can they make the country more liberal?

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March 7th, 2013

The Dictator’s Daughter


By Thomas Meaney.

“Koreans voted for Ms. Park not so much out of nostalgia for her father’s iron fist, as out of longing for a time when the future seemed brighter than it does today.”

A Letter from South Korea.

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September 24th, 2012

A Brief Chat with Martin Amis


By Simon Taylor.

“I don’t go back to my own stuff. As time gets thinner and shorter, the desire to push on is much stronger. I used to reread myself all the time. I thought a bottle of wine and a five-hour read of me was the ideal evening. But I don’t feel that anymore.”

Martin Amis talks about Lionel Asbo and the technical inferiority of his earlier novels.

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July 7th, 2012

An Interview with T. M. Scanlon

imageBy Yascha Mounk.

“Philosophy is about deciding what to think, not about convincing other people what to think.”

In his most extensive interview to date, Tim Scanlon talks about free will, choice, punishment, blame, tolerance, and the future of liberalism - as well as about his childhood and intellectual development.

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The Utopian is a critically acclaimed, cutting-edge magazine on philosophy, politics and culture.

Our past contributors have included Jürgen Habermas, Michel Houellebecq and Michael Walzer, among many others.



Alexander Lee

Thomas Meaney

Yascha Mounk



Justin Fowler


Politics Editor:

Brandon Tensley


Interviews Editor:

Nathaniel Schmookler


Poetry & Fiction Editor:

Sudeep Sen

