
The strength of relationships. The power of referral.

Welcome to theBEN, a unique networking group of Burlington business men and women focused on sharing ideas, information and referrals, helping members achieve mutual success.

Much like many networking groups, theBEN adapted when necessary to how our members stay close. While we remain vigilant in our precautions, we have returned to weekly in person breakfast meetings at the Holiday Inn Burlington. Meeting room is open at 7:15 for networking. Member thank-yous and presentations begin at 7:30am.

Throughout these difficult and unprecedented times, the strength of our relationships has proven to be the foundation of our network.

theBEN is a networking group where trust and confidence play a major role in every referral.

Each member does an annual presentation to keep us informed about their business. Occasionally we invite a guest speaker to keep us in touch with our community.

We are excited to resume in-person breakfast meetings. If you would like to join us at the Holiday Inn to see if theBEN is the right networking group for you, please reach out for an invitation.