Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Monarch Butterfly on Flower
Insect & Disease Issues
Tree Pests vs Beneficial Insects
Beneficial insects can play a vital role in maintaining the health and balance of tree ecosystems by preying on or parasitizing harmful insects, pollinating flowers, decomposing organic matter, and contributing to nutrient cycling. Let’s explore the world of tree pests versus beneficial insects.
Pawpaw Tree
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Pawpaw Tree?
Here are key identification characteristics of a Pawpaw tree to help you identify them and decide whether they might make a great addition to your home landscape.
Cicada On Tree Leaf Davey Tree
How To Protect Your Trees From The Periodical Cicadas in 2024
Let’s learn more about what states will have cicadas in 2024 and answer the question, “Do cicadas damage trees and plants?” so you can better prepare for these insects this spring.
Dsc 0716
Soil Care & Mulching
Should Humates Be Applied Before or After Fertilizer?
You don’t have to apply humates before or after fertilizer; you can actually mix humates with other fertilizers and apply them at the same time.
Homeowner Performing Soil Test Davey Tree
Soil Care & Mulching
Why Soil Care Is Important For Your Trees
At Davey, we prefer adding macronutrients and micronutrients as part of soil health management by using a slow-release fertilizer, learn why.
Best And Worst Trees To Plant Near A House
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Protect Trees During Construction
Learn how to protect your trees by taking the right steps before, during, and after construction.
Spanish Moss 2
Davey Knowledge
What's Growing On My Tree: Spanish Moss Or Ball Moss
Let’s talk about what Spanish moss and ball moss are, what trees they grow on, and how to get rid of Spanish moss and ball moss if necessary.
Snowy Tree Trunk With Crack
Davey Knowledge
Vertical Split In Tree Trunk: Can It Be Repaired?
Let’s learn more about what causes a tree trunk to split vertically and how to repair a split tree trunk.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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