Sheri-D Wilson, D.Litt - blog image

Poet, Educator, Instigator

Modus Operandi

Humanity + Authenticity + Inclusion + Ceremony + Surrealism


Love conquers all: let us too yield to love



In April, 2024 – Sheri-D launched THE ONEIRONAUT ∅1
the first volume in a three-book one-story trilogy of speculative poetry.

THE ONEIRONAUT ∅1, the first volume of the trilogy, is a captivating, magical and eminently readable page-turner. This is a character driven narrative poem.

At times humorous, it is also a frightening depiction of what our society becomes when we’re no longer able to dream, due to a totalitarian regime.

Rain, a brilliant bespeckled scientist, finds herself drawn from a life of oppression into the liberating world of illusion. She discovers the Willows, keepers of dreams, & is chosen to lead the fight against The Bureau, the dystopian regime who control society by forcing them to take a MetaNoia pill, which prevents them from dreaming.

Follow quirky Rain while she leads an uprising against the chilling government machinery and the DOD (Department of Dreams). Along the journey, she discovers more about herself and her family that she had ever hoped to.

If Rain and the Willows fail, the secret order of The Oneironauts will be lost and with it our ability to hope, to heal, and to imagine a life together as human beings.

This series will be published by Write Bloody North, edited by Micheline Maylor.

Book Launches

April 10

Calgary Launch (April 11 Added Below)
Calgary, AB

April 11

Calgary Launch
Calgary, AB

May 17-19

Word on the Lake Writer's Festival
Salmon Arm, BC

May 23

Vancouver Launch
Vancouver, BC

July 18-21

Festival of Words
Moose Jaw, SK

Sound Bite Reviews

Bob Holman

Poet, founder of the Bowery Poetry Club

Language is the essence of being human
Poetry is the essence of language
And Sheri-D Wilson is the essence of essence

Anne Waldman

Poet, writer, performer, collaborator, professor

Fasten your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen: here’s action poet Sheri-D Wilson dancing her way onto the page with rawness and rage.

Lorna Crozier

Poet, Governor General’s Award winner

Books, books, books—why won’t they leave me alone? I can’t sleep because I have too many books, I can’t make love, I can’t eat, I can’t move to a smaller house because I have too many books. If the megathrust earthquake strikes the West Coast, I’ll be flattened by falling books.

Kerry Clare

49th Shelf

Sheri-D Wilson turns language on its head, exuberantly coining new words that seem absolutely necessary-like arborolatry (a great word for idolizing trees). Her mastery of sound is hypnotic.

San Francisco Examiner


Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen . . . genetically tinker with these Canadians and add a chromosome of Patti Smith and a double-helix strand from Jim Carroll. . . you have Sheri-D Wilson.

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